Data Classification Policy Template

Hello all, 

Welcome to another edition of Strac’s weekly newsletter update. Today’s article goes through a data classification policy example with downloadable templates available at the end. I hope you find these resources useful.

Additionally, if you need help discovering & classifying sensitive data on SaaS, Cloud, and Generative AI, and the ability to remediate (redact, mask, block, alert) PII, PHI, PCI, Sensitive Data or comply with PCI, HIPAA, SOC 2, GDPR, CCPA, please feel free to book a call with me.



Strac’s Data Classification Policy Template

 🚀 Learn Data Classification Policy with an example and downloaded word document

1. Purpose - The policy establishes a framework for categorizing data based on sensitivity, importance, and impact, aiming to protect corporate and customer information.

2. Scope - It applies to all data formats (physical and digital) and covers all employees and authorized third parties responsible for data classification, security, and management.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

  • Data Owners: Senior management responsible for reviewing, categorizing, and ensuring proper data classification and compliance.

  • Data Custodians: IT or security staff who implement and enforce data security measures.

  • Data Users: Individuals or entities authorized to handle data in compliance with the policy.

4. Data Classification Procedure - Data Owners:

  1. Review data to determine impact level (high, moderate, low).

  2. Assign a classification label ("Restricted," "Confidential," or "Public").

  3. Document classifications in a data table.

5. Data Classification Guidelines - Provides a table for categorizing information assets by their impact level based on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

6. Impact Level Determination - Includes a table to help assess data impact levels by evaluating security objectives and potential risks.

7. Restricted Information Types - Automatically classified as "Restricted" (high impact): authentication information, ePHI, PCI, and PII.

8. Revision History - Keep track of all modifications to the data classification policy.

9. Templates

  • Download a data classification policy example here.

  • Download a data classification policy template here.

To learn more about data classification policy click here.

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